Complete list of Marathi alphabet | Marathi वर्णमाला (Varnamala)
Similar to English language, Marathi language also consists of vowels and consonants. There are 13 vowels and 36 consonants in Marathi alphabet.
Here are the list of Marathi vowels, consonants, and numerals-
In Marathi, vowels are known as स्वर (Svara). There are two types of vowels; dependent vowels and independent vowels. Dependent vowels are always used together with a consonant.
अ a |
आ aa |
इ i |
ई ii |
उ u |
ऊ uu |
ऋ ru |
ए e |
ऐ ai |
ओ o |
औ au |
अं am |
अः aha |
ा aa |
ि i |
ी ee |
ु u |
ू oo |
ृ ru |
े e |
ै ai |
ो o |
ौ au |
In Marathi, consonants are known as व्यंजन (Vyanjana). The following table shows 36 consonant letters and their pronunciations.
क ka |
ख kha |
ग ga |
घ gha |
ङ nga |
च cha |
छ chha |
ज ja |
झ jha |
ञ nya |
ट ta |
ठ tha |
ड da |
ढ dha |
ण na |
त ta |
थ tha |
द da |
ध dha |
न na |
प pa |
फ pha |
ब ba |
भ bha |
म ma |
य ya |
र ra |
ल la |
व va |
श sha |
ष sha |
स sa |
ह ha |
ळ la |
क्ष ksha |
ज्ञ jna |
Marathi numerals follow the base-10 number system, also known as decimal number system. It is the most commonly used number system in daily life. The following table shows the 10 Marathi numbers and their English equivalents.
० 0 Shunya |
१ 1 Ek |
२ 2 Don |
३ 3 Teen |
४ 4 Chaar |
५ 5 Paanch |
६ 6 Saha |
७ 7 Saat |
८ 8 Aath |
९ 9 Nau |
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